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Interest Check - D&D 4th Edition - Text Based Campaigns. - No Voice Chat

Hey all, Den here. So, I'm wondering if I'm the only one out there with a slow internet? Most of the games I've seen recruiting so far have been primarily calling for Voice chat. (Which I can understand I guess.) For me however its almost entirely impossible. I have Satellite internet and as a general rule my internet is inconsistent as hell. (Someone farts two towns over.... I'm going to DC) so for things were I need stability I tend to use Dial Up to compensate (If there are any Satellite developers reading this you should be ashamed!) Basically I don't mind typing that much and with a little pre-planning I feel that you can have most of the Dialogue/Descriptions you need for your campaign prepared before hand. (Since even if I was planning to describe it orally I'd still write down the description and just read it.) Anyway... I'm wondering if anyone else has a similar problem and would like to make a Text Based D&D 4e Campaign. If enough people are interested I wouldn't mind trying to set this up. Note that my play times are pretty flexible (I work from home so I can just plan to be awake whenever). Thank you for your time~
Hi there! i've been wanting to learn how to play tabletop as well as D&D for quite some time, so this is me taking the initiative. So far i have a basic understanding of how to create a character, as well as a few basic features of the game. I think that playing through text for my first run through would be nice due to the whole limited rp experience, so i am interested. I can pick up stuff usually the first time it's explained to me so i'd like to think that i wouldn't slow ya down too much. I am planning to make either a rouge or warrior class if that would be of any help to you. thanks for your time.
I tend to run my games text based, but it's mostly in order to keep in character and not destroy the tone. I can be kinda goofy so it's hard to describe a creepy area if every now and again I make a joke about piranha's in the walls. I'm not running a D&D game at the moment, but if your looking for a text based game I'm running one in a sci-fi setting: The Silver Eagle I've also found that there's only a small difference to how much time is lost to turns between voice and text. Both can take ages if people are looking up the rules all the time, haha.

Edited 1391783182
I would be interested! I am sort of experienced (played 4e about 5 times, also currently DMing a campaign). The only problem is that I am looking for a early morning session. I work third shift, and would love to play after work. I am available from 6am to noon Eastern time, Monday & Wednesday through Saturday. (5 days) Maybe we could get some Aussy's involved?
@Ken - That time is possible for me. I have a game on Saturdays (currently) at the exact same time in fact. Lol. Let's see if we can find anyone else for those times.Note that I haven't DMed before and I'll probably look for one (only DMing myself as a last recourse.) I might even ask a few people from my Saturday game if they are available at other times and if we are down a player would you be interested in joining? Any idea on what type of Campaign you'd be interested in? Homebrew - Premade - Anything? Let me know. @Akuma - I'll definitely check it out. I'm not adverse to new things at all and sci-fi is fun too! @Jean - I sent you a PM with some tips and help. If you can make the time Ken talked about, let me know.

Edited 1391790814
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I've been occasionally itching to get into another 4e campaign (currently in one on Saturday evenings). I've got a number of character ideas, but nowhere to use them! D: I generally prefer afternoon/evening games (I'm not really a morning person), but I could potentially do Saturday morning, as I get up to watch my 'toons. I'd probably be a bit out of it, though, since I run a Friday game which ends at ~midnight local time. I don't mind what type of campaign so much, so long as we make it clear from the start. In particular, what source books are permitted; my Warlock character idea, for example, requires stuff from both Heroes of the Feywild and Dark Sun Campaign setting (a character theme and a build option, respectively, plus a paragon path from the latter if we get that far). There is a bit of Feywild accessible from Athas, so it could work in a DS game, and while the stuff I want from DSCS is thematically tied to the setting, it's not mechanically tied in any way, so it could be pulled out into another setting and refluffed at the GM's discretion; a combination like that would need to be cleared by the GM, though, IMO. Of course, if I can't do that, I'll simply play one of my other character ideas; the point is illustrative. (Similarly: Every Defender ever should ask the GM if he or she can have the Dragonmark of Warding feat, even though Dragonmarks are tied pretty heavily into the Eberron setting. Enhancing defense-boosting powers and the Marked condition, as well as gaining access to a unique and useful ritual nobody else gets is at least worth asking.) Another bit of information to clear with the GM would be how often/whether skill challenges will be used. A game with no or very few skill challenges makes it worthwhile to hyper-focus on one or two skills (such as the Rogue in my current 4e game, who can't be seen by anything ,or the Wizard in my last 4e game, who knew everything about every monster ever). A game which uses skill challenges more frequently makes it worthwhile to spread out, and get some +2s to skills you're not trained in. Lack of skill challenges also reduces the utility of some skills, such as Diplomacy or Streetwise.

Edited 1391883005
Hello, I've only been part of one 4E campaign so far, but I am enjoying it and wouldn't mind picking up another. I am a stay-at-home mom in EST, so any time ending before noon on a weekday works for me. Mondays are good as long as we're done by 6:45 EST so I can jump to my Monday night campaign. If you are still looking for interested players, get back to me when you have the chance. Thanks either way!
Mostly in response to Brian, I guess, though the last line goes out to Den. I've been looking to get into a 4e group for a while, but those I've come across so far usually differed from my stance on character optimisation and refluffing. Usually these groups are a mess of one person who actually has a well optimised character, two people who think they have "crazy strong" characters (usually ill conceived hybrids), and one guy has that has his lowest stat as twelve. The combination of which is so much worse than if everyone had a weak character. Also I found that many people have a sort of instinctive fear of separating mechanics from fluff, and are convinced that refluffing = munchkinism. So I guess I'm looking for a group where I can creatively roleplay a distinctive character while also enjoying the twin puzzle of optimisation and challenging combat. I'd be more than happy to do that in text form, if Den and the future group are not put off by my views of the matters above.
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Nico said: So I guess I'm looking for a group where I can creatively roleplay a distinctive character while also enjoying the twin puzzle of optimisation and challenging combat. I'll admit, I have a hard time not optimizing a character to some extent. That doesn't necessarily mean trawling around the optimization boards for a given game, but it often means trying lots of things and iterating. (The ability to retrain things in 4e was a godsend when I first started.) The fact that I've got DDI access means that it's imperative for me to know what limits the DM wants on source material, because otherwise I might pull a feat or power from something like a Dragon Magazine without thinking about it. (Can't even play an Assassin without Dragon Magazine...) How much I optimize a character is generally directly proportional to the amount of experience I have in a system. My Exalted 2e characters -- even the ones with zany builds -- are generally top-of-the-line, for example, because I've played the game so much. I rarely break a game outright if I can help it (Void Avatar Prana and Zeal are both great big &%@!ing typos, IMO -- VAP almost literally, since no editor got to see it), but I similarly don't play utterly useless characters if I can help it. As far as the roleplay goes, I've run the full gamut of playing a bag of stats to games where the dice are barely even touched throughout my RP career. I'm perfectly happy with anything from a hack-n-slash party of murderhobos to a campaign of social-fu and intrigue keyed off of character relationships throughout the game world. So long as the specific type of campaign is established at the beginning, so everyone knows what they're getting into.
Brian said: So long as the specific type of campaign is established at the beginning, so everyone knows what they're getting into. That, that, and a thousand times that.

Edited 1391882082
Well, it certainly appears there is interest.^^ - And I can't say that I disagree with anything either of you have posted. According to the Player's Handbook I suppose I'd classify myself as a 'Slayer' type player who basically likes to kill things a lot - with a little Storyteller in the mix. (I love writing after all.) Give me a quest to clear the town of Goblins and I'm a happy camper. I would like to note that all of you, sans Jean, have way more experience than me. I've probably got roughly 30hrs of play & 4 games under my belt. Of mostly easy encounters/quests. (Although... Did get lost in the dark for like 30 minutes one time... Kept failing the nature roll which was funny...) So I'm very interested in your opinions on what type of campaign you would like to play. I know you said anything but... If you have an opinion at all I'd like to hear it. - I personally vote for killing stuff... the end. Although I'll totally write the back story of why our ragtag band of adventurers is together if you want. Or why that darn Orc Chieftan needed smiting. ^^ Honestly whenever I've built a new character its been preceded by hours of me squinting at WotC forum and pouring over character handbooks. Then balancing what I like to think of as Style vs Optimization. Do I really want to be the oh so stereotypical Elf Ranger who is OP sure... But kind of boring. IMO... Or perhaps I'll try that less Optimal Bugbear who I have a hilarious idea for a back story. So i think you should have a balance between what you want and what's optimal. About what's legal or not... honestly, in my opinion if its on the DDI Website its probably fine but like I said my experience isn't huge. And when we get a GM I'll let them decide. On that note Nico or Brian would either of you be interested in DMing? If not I'll start asking around. Game times - I'd like it if we could all get together at the same time although I understand if we are in radically different zones this can be difficult. Jean, Brian & Nico's game times can match up fine. From you three I'd like specific play times & days of availability if that's at all possible. From what you've guys have said it seems like something like 7-12am EST. Would like to clarify and be a bit more specific. Ken can probably get added to my Saturday game. Since I already have a game going at that time. (Didn't get you in today but honestly you didn't miss much...) Time Zone Break down for 6am - 11am EST. GMT + 1:12pm - 5pm GMT + 0: 11am - 4pm GMT - 5: 6am - 11am Thanks for reading & replying to my thread.
Oops! Sorry, I was brain-dead last night and deleted my post instead of editing it. What a doofus. I hope a sleepy brain doesn't count me out of a potential game. (Also, 7 a.m. - 12 p.m. EST are fine windows of game time for me, basically any day of the week.)
My experience in D&D 4 is mostly academic. Which is a pretentious way of saying I've spent more time reading about it than playing it. Which still isn't very much time compared to some other systems. Hell I've probably spent as much or more time looking for a group as playing 4e, come to think of it. I've also only ever been a GM in one game, with radically different rules and setting from D&D. Also I think I'd rather have no actual reason to kill an orc chieftain than because he is LULZ EBIL and eats babies. Black and white morality is pretty boring. And even rather than no reason at all I'd have have grey and grey morality and kill him for the fertile lands his tribe holds claim to.

Edited 1391898342
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Den said: On that note Nico or Brian would either of you be interested in DMing? If not I'll start asking around. Sorry, but no. I'm already running a campaign on Friday evenings, and I wouldn't have the time to prepare. I can do some decent freestyle without prep, but that will only get you so far. Game times - I'd like it if we could all get together at the same time although I understand if we are in radically different zones this can be difficult. Jean, Brian & Nico's game times can match up fine. From you three I'd like specific play times & days of availability if that's at all possible. From what you've guys have said it seems like something like 7-12am EST. Would like to clarify and be a bit more specific. Ken can probably get added to my Saturday game. Since I already have a game going at that time. (Didn't get you in today but honestly you didn't miss much...) Time Zone Break down for 6am - 11am EST. GMT + 1:12pm - 5pm GMT + 0: 11am - 4pm GMT - 5: 6am - 11am For Saturday morning, the earliest I could start is about 8am Central (9am Eastern). If we don't do Saturday, my availability is basically "all day Sunday" and "after work M/T/Th" (getting home around 6pm Central). in my opinion if its on the DDI Website its probably fine but like I said my experience isn't huge. Barring certain sources is, honestly, more about keeping a cohesive story than trying to avoid unbalanced material when it comes to 4e. (Although a GM might limit source material just so he has to keep less information straight about his players.) I know some people who feel that some of the Dragon Magazine content wasn't fully tasted (the Assassin class in particular), and so they try to stay away from it, but I don't know anyone who feels that way about the actual books. The Dragonmark feats, however, are a good example of something a GM might want to limit. It's not like they're overpowered (although as I mentioned before, the Mark of Warding is quite possibly one of the best Defender feats in the game), but Dragonmarks are intimately tied into the Eberron setting, and seeing them outside the setting would be odd -- of course, that's where refluffing can come in, but it's up to the GM. A Warforged character outside Eberron would similarly be strange, as would a character outside Dark Sun with a wild talent (or the Wild Talent Master feat) or Arcane Defiling.
@Anne - I know you said weekdays but I've already got a game going 6am-11am EST Saturdays, is there anyway for you to make that one? (Don't want to exclude anyone and don't want to run like 3 games lol.) @Everyone else. Okay so our current objectives are - Pick a day and exact time. (I vote for Wednesday 7-11/12Pm). Locate & Capture a DM. (No seriously he/she has to be willing.) Brian - Since you gm, do you perchance know how much Prep Goes into pre-made campaigns?
You have any room for me? I wanna be a Dragonborn Wizard or Alchemist whichever is avaible.
Hey Den - Yep, I can make that game time!

Edited 1391943948
My experience with text-only 4e. DM: "The orc swings his mighty axe and sinks it deep into your gut, causing 20 points of damage and dropping you to the floor with an unceremonious thud." Player 1: "*gurgle*" Player 2: "WAIT, DM! I can interrupt that with this spell!" Player 1: "SWEET! SAVE ME!" DM: "Are you sure? I think the power indicates that you can only use it in certain situations." Player 2: "Uhhh.. well ummm.. let me check the power." <3 minutes pass> Player 1: "So am I alive or what?" DM: "Hold on. I'll just look up the power myself" Player 2: "Sorry I was getting a drink. What's going on?" Player 1: "You're supposed to be telling us!" Player 2: "Oh, right. Brb!" DM: "Okay it says that you can only use it when adjacent to the ally in question, and you're not adjacent, so Player 1 goes down." Player 3: "BUT SOFT, WHAT LIGHT THROUGH YONDER WINDOW BREAKS!? IT IS MY IMMEDIATE INTERRUPT. I think. Wait, hold on, I need to check and make sure." DM: "God. Damnit." Player 4: "Is it my turn yet? I'm gonna get some food while you guys figure it out. Brb." <Player 3 types for like 10 minutes and then never presses enter> DM: "Whatever, he takes the hit, let's just roll with it. Player 4, you have initiative." <......> DM: "Player 4?" Player 2: "I think he went to get something to eat." DM: "Okay, whatever. He delays." Player 3: "Actually if he delays, then I need to delay as well because my next move depends on whether or not Player 4 hits the orc chieftan." DM: "Just make your move, we've wasted enough time as it is." Player 3: "But I'm bloodied, and I don't know if I should risk engaging the chieftan!" Player 2: "Don't worry, I have an interrupt." DM: "You all die. Evil prevails. Game over."
@Riddle - Hey... That looks suspiciously like my Saturday game...LOL. But no... Seriously. DM should have had all their char sheets. What I did was create a wordpad file separated by player name with all there available Skills/Powers/Bonuses/Etc. It's a little more work for the DM but the DM should probably look up the rules for the powers he'll be asked to rule on throughout the game.... Like I decided to let a Pixie Hexblade in my party shrink a wolf because... It does absolutely nothing. Wolf still retains its stats so in essence it didn't change the mechanics of the encounter in anyway except the pixie had fun doing it. @Anne - Okay, great I'll send you a pm when I get back with campaign info. Everybody else: The 6am-11am (Est) Game is now full... Onto the night game... @Wolf Cleric - Which game are you referring to? If your interested in the night game then okay, the Saturday Morning one is full. We haven't really begun discussing classes yet for the night game.
Den, what time is the night game you mentioned? I was not finding it above. If there is still space and it falls into 9pm+ CST (GMT -6) [10pm+ EST] then I would like to join, Mondays and Thursdays are my best days. I would be up for any role but would lean towards a Controller.
The game is tentatively weekdays between 7pm - 12am (EST). I'm still waiting on the others for a response to what day they would like. If Monday & Thursdays are okay with them we can try to set it up then.
Monday would work for me. Also I'd like to pick up a striker this time around.
Monday and thursdays are good for me

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"Monday and Thursday," or "Monday or Thursday?" That's certainly something we should be clear on! (The time is good for me, though.)
One day only. Monday it seems to be. Still hunting down a GM. (Keep bumping my thread every 12hrs or so.)

Edited 1392118878
Den said: Basically I don't mind typing that much and with a little pre-planning I feel that you can have most of the Dialogue/Descriptions you need for your campaign prepared before hand. (Since even if I was planning to describe it orally I'd still write down the description and just read it.) Anyway... I'm wondering if anyone else has a similar problem and would like to make a Text Based D&D 4e Campaign. If enough people are interested I wouldn't mind trying to set this up. From the OP I was under the impression that you, Den, were going to GM. I realize my error in reading now... Damn, I had already gotten my hopes up. People willing to run a game are a rarity around here. I expect people willing to run a game that they have not set up themselves are even rarer. Call me a pessimist but I'm not holding my breath on this one.

Edited 1392124847
Nico said: From the OP I was under the impression that you, Den, were going to GM. I realize my error in reading now... Damn, I had already gotten my hopes up. People willing to run a game are a rarity around here. I expect people willing to run a game that they have not set up themselves are even rarer. Call me a pessimist but I'm not holding my breath on this one. I will if I find no1 else.I'm running a campaign Sat Mornings. But my GM for that game might start showing up again. Either way... I've got the time to prep so I could probably do both either way. I would just like to be a player... I've got like 4hrs of play time as a player (which is like 1/2 encounters...)
I would just like to be a player... I've got like 12hrs of play time as a player (which is like 4 encounters...) I can empathize, please forgive my negativity.

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Hey, Den, just following up here. What's the word?