Hello, You are all cordially invited to partake in what is assured to be one of the greatest GURPS campaigns on Roll20 set in a slightly altered version of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - If, perhaps, only because it is the only such. I am Iroel, as well as an awful lot of other names I shan't bother you with here, and I have for some time considered starting a GURPS campaign of my very own. After some more time, I've decided to actually do so, in order to avoid wasting the time I've put into it. This, then, is the product thereof. My proposed campaign takes place on the (annoyingly) alien planet of Chiron, in the Alpha Centauri system. Inhabited by vast mats of hostile fungi, psychic mindworms, lovecraftian spore launchers and, recently, humans, Chiron is a delightful place; a true paradise for all. Well, all, that is, who seek sources of drama and conflict, which you are sure to encounter, especially the latest contract being offered to you through the Golden Links agency. It's gonna be dirty (For you), dangerous (For you), questionably legal (For everyone) and quite lucrative (For them). Well, that's Morganites in a nutshell, pretty much. In any case, life on Chiron isn't boring. Rather far from, actually, and I hope that I'll be able to do a decent job of giving you a proper view thereof. It'll be my first time GMing, so expect a bit of trouble there, but that shouldn't last too long. I may be overly fond of rules for added realism, but then, if I hadn't been, I'd hardly have chosen GURPS; still, it shows in the chosen set of houserules, and if you're looking for Wuxia, this may not be the game for you. I'd be more than happy to accept newbies, in particular because that'll give me another reason to brush up on the basics, instead of getting ahead of myself. Speaking of getting ahead of myself, I suppose I should present to you the crunchy stuff, and let y'all have your say after that: Game: GURPS Alpha Centauri: Open Skies; Hidden Depths Genre: Science Fiction {Medium-Hard Science, Realism, occasional touches of Cyberpunk} Time: Flexible and up for discussion, but preferably sometime between Fri.18:00-Sun.04:00 GMT+1 Medium: Roll20 /w Voice, w/o Video. ...and I reckon that's it for now. I have made decisions concerning character creation, which might be found by sufficiently inquisitive souls (Warning, their location is currently a work in progress), but for now, what really matters is interest. I would prefer working on characters alongside potential players, rather than being handed a box of premades and trying to get them to fit in. That, after all, is a bit of a bother. So. Any takers?