The Enemy within is an excellent, classic campaign set in Warhammer Universe. WFRP pre-dated and most likely inspired Warhammer Fantasy Battles (now Warhammer Total War) and Blood Bowl. I've updated the scenario to 2nd edition of Warhammer RolePlay. Death on the Reik (the 3rd scenario out of 6) is ranked as one of the best scenarios ever. We are finishing up the 2nd scenario (Shadows Over Bogenhafen). You can play one of the 3 NPCs or roll your own. Character generation takes only a few minutes and roll20 comes with an online 2nd edition character sheet that makes rolls quite easy to do and to understand. We play once a week on Wednesday nights starting at 6 PM Mountain time. We play for around 4 hours, but during summertime we may play longer or more often. I've had times to generate complete maps for encounters and key events. The Enemy Within comes with tons of handouts, maps, city diagrams and other goodies to overwhelm you with. WFRP has a unique detailed combat system and death is frequent. I use relevant music to set the tone, sometimes funny and sometimes dark or dramatic. Please do not respond if you've played this in the past. Yes, it may have been a long time, but remembering key things could spoil it for others. Do apply if you are new to roleplay in general or are looking for a roleplaying game. Prior experience with WFRP is not a requirement. You won't be disappointed. This is totally free. Respond if interested.