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D&D 5e Monster Manual Spell casters unpolluted slots?

Monsters from the manual seem to import for me with a text list of spells (not even hyperlinked) and all the spell slots this normal?
Hopefully for Tome of Foes that's not the case.  Or maybe it will get updated once the PHB and DMG are available.
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If you use the Shaped Sheet, with a Pro subscription, the script will expand spell lists into fully-functioning spells for those in the SRD.
keithcurtis said: If you use the Shaped Sheet, with a Pro subscription, the script will expand spell lists into fully-functioning spells for those in the SRD.  Will it do the whole MM, or a case of having to do it to each individual monster when I drag it into the journal?  As right now just seems like a lot of money for a bunch of tokens, don't get why the spells are listed but not put into there in a non functioning way?
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You would need to drag the monster in, and push a button (execute a script command). As long as the spell is in the SRD, it will expand. A second command will remove all of the added spells (but leave the list, so you can repeat when needed). You don't want a whole bunch of critters with full spell lists when you are not using them, it would slow down your game.
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From the wiki for the MM regarding spellcasters <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Spellcasters: There was an intentional decision made with spellcaster monsters where we limited the individual spell entries down to the most commonly used offensive spells. For those we created a separate actions for each to be rolled from the sheet. We went with this method instead of having an NPC sheet with every single spell inputted under Spellcasting to keep the attribute bloat low to keep your games optimized. That being said, any spellcasting NPC should have all their spells listed under their Spellcasting Trait on the NPC sheet when you do a drag and drop from the Compendium. The problem is, without a feature like the Shaped Sheet has, keeping full spells in the character sheet would lead to rapid campaign bloat. I do no know why the OGL sheet script does not have a similar capability, but I think I remember hearing that it is on the road map.
keithcurtis said: The problem is, without a feature like the Shaped Sheet has, keeping full spells in the character sheet would lead to rapid campaign bloat. I do no know why the OGL sheet script does not have a similar capability, but I think I remember hearing that it is on the road map. Thanks Keothcurtis, guess its time to go PRO! You don't&nbsp;happen to have a link to guide to adding and using&nbsp;Shaped Sheet
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I sure do. And welcome to the club. (Now to collect my commission check) Shaped Sheet . Installation instructions are in the first post. Shaped Script .&nbsp;Installation instructions are in the first post. I would strongly suggest installing from the github repositories as advised, rather than go with the one-click installation. The sheet is revised weekly at least, and the script monthly or less. If you run into problems, it's easier to ask for help with the latest versions. (the first post of each thread has instructions on reporting issues, Kryx prefers the github issue tracker rather than the thread, although the threads are great for "how do I..." questions.) You're going to like being Pro...
thanks so much @ keithcurtis have a feeling it going to take me the full year sub just to get to grips&nbsp;with the basics......but also looking forward to being able to do more of the things on your&nbsp;Stupid Roll20 Tricks (and some clever ones) thread too!
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A lot of the the options for the shaped script are in the base macro: !shaped That will give you a chat menu for most of your normal uses. "Remove all Spells" and "Expand Spells" will do what I was talking about above.&nbsp;"Remove all Spells" will leave the list under the NPC spellcasting trait, so you can use those two to toggle full spells.
Seem to be falling at the first hurdle :( Bit confused over the "Choose D&D 5e as the SRD" part, and the&nbsp;CSS code seems to be going in as one line, unlike the HTML and&nbsp;translation code? &nbsp;
The Aaron
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That looks right.&nbsp; The CSS is minified for speed, that's why it's on one line.
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The "Choose D&D 5e as the SRD" is likewise correct. Actually, the script has a huge chunk of the SRD in it, optimized for Shaped&nbsp;(as I am given to understand). But yes, chose that as your compendium. The compendium choice is independent of sheet choice.
Excellent, working, all the spells in all the slots!&nbsp; Noe if I wanted to make the spells rollable for an attack, or description&nbsp;for non-offensive, is there an easy way to do that, as only the ones in action are this where&nbsp;!shaped come into play?