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Looking for one experienced player for Saturday night game [D&D 5E] [7PM CST]

Hi first off, I'm not the DM for this game I'm just one of his players Time is Stated above, we play every week. The Game itself has been going on for 4 months. The sessions last usually 4 hours but have on occasion gone on for up to 6 but not very often. We're not looking for new players sorry, experienced only, we're at a high enough level in the game were we would be throwing someone new in to the deep end. That's not to say we didn't allow newer players before when we were a lower levelled group We're also only wanting players who are 25 and over. That may seem a bit harsh but that's the DM's new rule now. We use discord and have a working mic and headset. The mic must be decent quality and the headset is so we don't have to hear echoes and feedback Ok on to the in game stuff Its Set in the Forgotten Realms, mainly around waterdeep (our party is based there). Our DM uses a wide variety of styles and game mechanics. We all enjoy Roleplaying a lot but there is brutal combat (No pussyfooting), dungeon crawls with traps and puzzles, a lot of interesting npcs, downtime activities and exploration. Currently the party is heading to Baldurs Gate via ship for a quick stop off then on to a far away island filled with treasure and bad people. The DM is a pro user and takes advantage of all the cool features such as dynamic lighting and customising maps and tiles etc For character creation we use 27 point buy standard, and all the characters are level 6 currently, we use experience but everyone shares the same. Any official book is fine (no homebrew, no UA) for classes, feats spells etc. only exception is the races must be from the PHB. Multiclassing is allowed Our current party consists of  Tiefling Lore Bard Dragonborn Paladin of the ancients Halfling Trickery Cleric (With one level in druid) Human Divination Wizard Anyway Please respond either here of by PMing me by answering these questions and whatever else you wish to say 1. Can you make 80%+ of all of the meetings? 2. This campaign is rated R, with adult situations. Can you handle that? 3. What class/race do you wish to play? 4. How old are you 5. Have you played dungeons and dragons before. 6. Have you played this edition? 7. Do you know how to use roll20 8 Do you have discord, and a working microphone that you can use to hear and speak through?
I know your age requirements, I am well under it but if you get desperate, you may consider me. I consider myself fairly experienced I am a dm of a 7th level party right now just looking to get in on a game.  1. Yes I can  2. Yes I can  3. I would like to play a bard or a monk 4. I am currently 17, 18 in july 5. I have  6. I have only played 5th edition  7. I would say that i know decently well.  8. I have discord and a fuctional mic 
For now this application is closed