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Tweaking Ping - General.

KS Backer
Sheet Author
I noticed (using Search) that there wasn't any space for discussing ping in a more general sense, and figured that rather than put my idea in and add to the various ping requests, I'd open the general line of inquiry into it. Below is my specific idea, however. It might not be a bad idea to add one more small functionality to the ping ability--what if it numbered the pings? Hold down Shift and hold your cursor down, it pings, labels it with a smallish 1 a few pixels from its top-right corner; further pings only take a fraction of the original hold-down time. Ping again while Shift is still held, and it becomes ping Two; ping Three, and so on, until Shift is released. At which time all of the pings fade away at once.
KS Backer
I like that idea. Until you ping the 2nd time it might not even need to label the "1".
I'm trying to think why you'd need this (it's late and been a long day, bare with me :D ) Is this for marking points of interest or something - surely just using an icon from the art library (there's many good "ring" icons or flags) would be easier than having Riley adding code? Or do you need this specifically for a game system? If it's something really obvious, I apologise and refer you to refer you to sentence #1 XD
KS Backer
The main thing I can think of is: "I attack this guy and this guy and this guy with my AoE."
@Ezra - Ooooh, I get you, that brings up a different idea then maybe... highlighting individual boxes/hexes? (either with the yellow box style effect that goes around tokens when you hover the mouse over the icon in the initiative tracker) or something similar to the aura where there's a slight haze making that box/hex stand out from the others. You could just click which ones to highlight and then click again to remove it. Could be useful for any sort of AoE effect that would use some sort of template (I'm thinking cones more than anything else) At the moment for blast-radius I'm just adding something from the art library, if it's an empty square, and giving it an aura.
KS Backer
Sheet Author
The main reason I was suggesting it is that when we're talking over the feeds, sometimes our vocals don't sync perfectly with our clicks. We don't necessarily need static pins all of the time, or to use tokens, instead just needing to point at a few things in a room and say "Alright, you see the first one? That's the bomb. The second one? That's the specific guy with the dead man's switch. And the third guy is the one I mentioned eating the nasty smelling sandwich. He might be a cannibal. Everyone got that?"
My ping wishlist: 1. Get rid of the "clock drawing" animation and stick to a plain growing ring. No offense to the developers, but for some inexplicable reason, the clock draw really rubs my aesthetic sense raw. :) 2. Let an endless series of growing rings emanate from the ping position as long as you continue to hold down the mouse button. Not only is it more visible, but you can use it to telegraph to players things that have finite or intermittent durations.