short and simple - we are looking for a DM to take over one of my purchased modules to DM for myself and a group of friends in a campaign that lasts most if not all of the summer! (maybe level 1 to 15 or so?) We are looking for a well rounded DM in a game that is equal parts exploration, rp and combat. We want the full D&D experience (preferably without super number crunching like mundane items and their weight). Be chilled laid back and have a lust for D&D 5e and we will give you what every DM dreams of -- a experienced party that thinks carefully and tactfully, and is all about party play to help you develop the story into something all of us wait on each week to play. There is no drama in the group, only with the local bugbear though. We are interested in one thing, seeing what kind of insane (but achieveable) challenges you can come up with. Lets go have fun and play something we won't soon forget!! What we need you to be: Excellent thinking on your feet Knowledge of 5e & roll20 is a must! Must be highly punctual Master of the PHB and great knowledge of other published material (Volos, Xanathars and SCAG are great examples) Must be prepared to DM for a crew that wants you to bring a real challenge to the game Choose how you want to challenge this party - Tomb of Annihilation, Storm Kings Thunder, Princes of the Apocalypse, Hoard of the Dragon Queen/Rise of Tiamat, and all with a plan to implement a dungeon or two from Tales of the Yawning Portal. The entire WOTC module package is open for you to torment us! If this isn't how you DM, this isn't the game for you. We want a true realistic challenge, not a PK fest, so pls don't get it twisted.