Try using
Token Actions?
For example, one macro I use is like this:
@{selected|token_name} attacks @{target|token_name} with his @{R1Name}:
[[1d20+@{R1Bonus}]](@{R1Crit}) vs [[@{target|ac}]]!
This attack does [[@{R1Damage}]] points of damage if it hits!
All units have an Attribute named AC, a simple numerical value for their Armor Class
They also have a unique name for their token, ie: Skeleton7
Combat units have their attack broken down into pieces, in this case:
R1Name Javelin
R1Bonus 3
R1Crit 23(2x)
R1Damage 1d6+3
So what this macro does is, in order:
Picks the name of the attacking token
Picks the name of the defending token
Picks the name of the weapon
Picks the attack bonus of the weapon, adding it to a d20 roll
Picks the crit range of the weapon
Picks the AC of the defending token
Picks the damage of the weapon
Output looks something like:
Player Character attacks Skeleton7 with his Javelin:
[17](23(2x)) vs [9]
This attack does [6] points of damage if it hits!
So basically, you'd want to replace the character name (Laguna) with either Selected or Target, depending on whose attributes you're looking for.
Make sense?