Hi everyone, I am going to start soon a campaign online here with some of my friends. I would like to play Curse of Strahd (I already own hardcover version). I am really considering buying a plus/pro account and maybe the module itself, but I need some clarifications before: 1)Does Curse of Strahd Roll20 module contains just the map I see in the hardcover version or did they add some player version of the maps? like, without showed numbers, traps, secret doors, etc. I don't want the players the see a trapdoor on the map I show them without even searching for it, for example.... 2)Does it contain Death House too? 3)Can I play Curse of Strahd or other roll20 WOTC modules with 5th Edition Shaped Character sheet? <a href="https://wiki.roll20.net/DnD5e_Shaped_Character_She" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.roll20.net/DnD5e_Shaped_Character_She</a>... or am I forced to use other type of Character sheet? Thanks in advance! Alessandro