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Custom Sheet for Shattered A Grimdark RPG

Shattered A Grimdark RPG is a bit of a unique new rpg that only a small niche of people play. That being said it has become a problem to create sheets for it on Roll20 because it uses multiple types of dice. Any combination of d4, d6, d8, d10. Each skill have ranks like Shadowrun but instead of simply increasing the amount of dice you roll it also increases the dice type. For instance: Rank 1 Skill:  1d4 Rank 2 Skill:  1d6 Rank 3 Skill:  1d8 Rank 4 Skill:  1d10 Rank 5 Skill:  1d10+1d4 Rank 6 Skill:  1d10+6 Rank 7 Skill:  1d10+1d8 Rank 8 Skill:  2d10 For a maximum of 5d10 at Rank 20 Now you can imagine how hard it is to incorporate those ranks to skills that can rank up at any given moment without making it a global roll. What I'm looking for here is advice or help to figure out what would be the best sheet, macro, sheet features or a combination of all of the above to make this work. I want to reduce manual input or physical dice rolling as much as possible.

Edited 1527403419
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
You would probably want to put it as a query into a macro. I'm sure a macro expert will be along to give you a good example.

Edited 1527435592
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Since you're a pro user, you could have a script that converts rank numbers into skill dice. You can also do the conversion with a macro, and some rollable tables. This macro is ugly but it works: First create a table to act as a d4 - give it 4 entries, 1, 2, 3, 4, and name the table  1 . (Just the number 1, nothing else.) Repeat for d6 and d8 - creating a table with 6 entries, name it 2 , and create a table with 8 entries, and call it 3 . Now create a table named o , give it a single entry: 0. Then use this macro: /roll [[(floor(@{Score} /4))]]d10 + 1t[[[@{Score} -4*floor(@{Score}/4)]]] Substitute each instance of @{Score} with your stat name, or you can use a prompt like  ?{SkillRank?|1} This formula will roll 1d10 for each 4 Skill ranks, and calculate the remainder (0, 1,2, or 3) and roll on the table named the same as the remainder, which will be the same as a d4, d6, d8, or value of 0 for zero remainder). Note: this ignores the max of 20 - if that's an issue here's a version that accounts for it. /roll [[(floor({20,@{Score}}dh1 /4))]]d10 + 1t[[[{20,@{Score}}dh1 -4*floor({20,@{Score}}dh1/4)]]] There might be a simpler way to convert the remainder into a die roll instead of a table name as i do here, but I couldn't get it to work.  Hope this is useful! Edited to add:  If you're making your own sheet, it would be easy enough to put the above roll into buttons for each skill, and format the output with a custom rolltemplate.  Here's an example using the standard roll template: &{template:default} {{name=Zerodaggers makes a roll}} {{a skill roll=[[ [[(floor({20,@{Score}}dh1 /4))]]d10 + 1t[[[{20,@{Score}}dh1 -4*floor({20,@{Score}}dh1/4)]]] ]] }}