Hi, I am using the Pathfinder community character sheet and I am trying to put together a macro that would allow me to use a drop down box for when casting defensively or not. I have tried something like: ?{Casting Defensively?|No,[[%{selected|repeating_weapon_-LDeG1En25pZZwmGR5m8_attack-roll}]]|Yes, [[%{selected|repeating_weapon_-LDeG1En25pZZwmGR5m8_attack-roll} %{selected|repeating_spells_-LDXCcTeS0Zmv7R6sozE_roll}]]}. But it is malfunctioning in that when it asks me the yes or no action it contains the coded text and will not allow a selection. At the moment what I am trying to do is have the macro ask me for the condition of casting defensively. If I am then I need it to roll 2 macros, if not I need it to roll only the one. I did want to add before closing in an ideal world what I would want from the macro system is to combine the two of rolling the attack roll & damage roll in the same macro as the one that tells the Save, Caster Level Check, Concentration Check, & Cast Defensively DC & roll, but I will settle for what I got at the moment. If it is already this way, please point the way & I will make all haste to find/use it.