I'm running one right now and I'm playing in one also. They are usually referred to as play by post or that is how I refer to them. They are running fine but you better be prepared for the slow speed of combat. I would recommend limiting yourself to no more than 5 players, 6 on the outside.4 to 5 players seem to be the sweet spot. Anymore than 6 will drag the speed down to much. In combat have your players declare their action attempts but you make all the rolls after they make their declarations. Whisper the monster action attempts to yourself so that you have a text reference. This will come in handy when you work out any and all modifiers that might be needed for the rolls. If you do let the players make the rolls then make macros so that it becomes easy to make rolls. With you having only a fee account, learn the use of Fog of War on your map. You will not have access to dynamic lighting unless you subscribe. You could have your players use the drawing tool to mark out their characters path of movement and let you move the tokens. I would recommend this due to usually you will have hidden traps and such. You will need to be able to know where they move through the corridors so that you can make your trap/secret doors/ambush/ect... rolls if needed. Encourage the players to describe their actions in depth as much as possible but limit them to their senses aka what they see, hear, touch, smell, etc. Unless your group is really into inner monologing that no one can react or respond to, it is best to let that drop out of the game. There is more but that is enough suggestions and tips for now.