Everything below is just my opinion and you should not get offended even if you disagree with some of it. Instead why don't you join in and tell us your opinion. Basically Roll20 subsciption is built with the idea that the GM of every campaign is either a Supporter (S) or a Mentor (M). If you play in a campaign where the GM is either S or M then you don't benefit in anyway from becoming S or M. Fortunately Roll20 can be used for other games than just RPG. For example I play Warhammer (Fantasy Battle) here as well so you don't have to GM an RPG campaign to benefit from S or M status. So basically as long as one person in every playing group is S or M the other players don't have to be to get all the benefits of S or M status. Because the people of Roll20 are being so nice to us that not even close to everyone has to pay for the service in order to get all the goodies I feel it's especially important that we all ask ourselves: "Should I be one of those people who supports Roll20 by giving some money back for all the goodies?" Here are few questions that can help you with that question: 1) Do you use Roll20 at least semi-regularly? 2) Do you GM at least one RPG campaign or "host" at least one tabletop/cards/etc. game? 3) Do you enjoy using Roll20 and feel that in many ways it is a very well done VTT service? 4) Do you see yourself continuing to use the service in the near-future? 5) Do you use similar quantities of money to other luxury goodies such as video games, movies, music, tobacco, alcohol, restaurants, fashion, consumer electronics, etc.? If you answered Yes to all the questions I personally think it's time for you to support Roll20 and become S or M! And remember that you don't necessary have to pay everything on your own. I mean you are already taking the time to provide a great RPG moments with your GMing or took the trouble to enable your gamig group to be able to play that tabletop game you all like so much etc. Your players/gaming group can pitch in. For example I GM a campaign and I require that my players pay half of my subsciption costs. And you know what, they do it with a smile. After dividing 50 bucks evenly among the players the cost per player is practically nothing. So what do you think? Is it time for you to support Roll20? Who do you think should support Roll20? What is the meaning of life? Oh, right it was 42, forget the last question.