Looking for some players (four to five) who want to try out Scion 2E. The full text previews have been out for awhile and I'll help people make characters if they don't have it. Want to run it from 5 to 9 or 10 The premise is: The World is becoming increasingly complicated place. Sectarian conflict, poverty, natural disasters, and just general division is everywhere. Social media, corporations, and governments increasingly want to bring the World and it's people's together but as a single committed lump, but the status quo isn't going to hold; a storm is coming to wipe it all away. This is not just happenstance, this is fate. Hundreds if not thousands of years of the machinations of the Gods and Titans; their goal to end their cold war with one another once and for all. The Aesir call it Ragnarok; the Christians call it Revelations, but everyone can sense it is coming. Or is it? Can it be averted. Can the modern world be reconciled with the ones the Gods envisioned? Or can a compromise be struck? Your parents or patrons have sent visions to you all, bringing you together to help a religious social club in Cleveland recover a stolen Relic favored by the Greeks. The tip of the iceberg it is, because the city's and nation's religious and moral foundations are floundering. It's a poor city even, but even there gentrification threatens pagan and other religious minorities neighborhoods; Ohio is one of many states issuing ordinances and laws striking many religious protections; and the Titans are exploiting all of this to begin land grabs, thefts, and even assassinations.