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Campaign Upgrade - how long should it take?

My campaign took a break over the holidays and came back for the first time in three weeks this evening. I logged in at 7:55pm my time (Chrome, OSX, no new extensions) and received a notice that my campaign was being upgraded, and I shouldn't close the window or leave the page. It's now 8:21pm and it's still upgrading. Is this supposed to happen?
Mine has been going for a long time too and it isn't even very big yet.
Sorry about that, there was a small hiccup in our processing server for these. Should be fixed now. Reload if you're already waiting on it to process.
It's Feb 10th an i'm experiencing it now after going on break around the 10th. We haven't gotten far in it either but its been upgrading for 35 minutes at the moment through google chrome

Edited 1392123986
Same here: had my 'Red Sands' reloading for several hours last night -nothing. My 'Doghouse Blues' game same, Also over 4 hours so far this morning: it is simply not happening.
Hi ! same for me, my campaign is stuck in the "Upgrade in progress" process
My campaign is also stuck in the upgrade in progress process and has been for a day. Is there a fix for this? I have a session coming up on Thursday and it would be a bummer for the campaign site to be down.
I ended up dumping the non functioning sites and creating new ones. Not at all satisfactory, but there was no option as I actually need sites to play. Please rectify this issue for the future: I've ending up dumping maps I will now have to re-create.

Edited 1392139428
It's been reported to the developers so they can investigate what might be causing the problem.

Edited 1392138327
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
It should be fixed, go ahead and give it another try (as in, if you're already stuck on the upgrade page, reload the page or go back and try to launch the campaign again).