It would be great if we could give players read access to character sheets so that they can view them without having to also give them the ability to edit the sheet. The situation I have run into many times is that I want my players to be able to view each others character sheets but not be able to edit each others, only edit their own. At the moment we have these options (Figure 1.): Figure 1. Figure 2. What I suggest is to add another box after "Can Be Edited & Controlled By" that is something like "Can Be Viewed By" (Figure 2.) in which you can place individual names or the All Players one which will grant those listed the ability to view the character sheet associated with it but not make any edits to it (a "read only mode"). At the moment a player sees only the bio and info of sheets they cannot edit (Figure 4.) and can see everything on one they can edit (Figure 3.), this proposed change would make it so they would be able to either see all three tabs (Bio & Info, Character Sheet and Attributes & Abilities) or just the first two tabs (Bio & Info and Character Sheet) of any sheets that they are set as able to view and would not be able to make edits to them. Figure 3. Figure 4.