There's been a lot of good ideas for dynamic lighting features I've seen, but nothing that quite scratches a particular itch of mine. I would like top see some way to link or bind a dynamic lighting polygon to a token or map title. A specific example would be for doors. Currently the only way I see to have a door block light when closed, and not do so when opened is to move the polygon off the map, and the door token/tile separately. Being able to move the token and have it move the DL polygon at the same time would greatly help the flow of gameplay. I'm no pro when it comes to api scripting, but assuming there's something that can be used for door programming, allowing players to open doors themselves with a macro prompt or something, this could completely alleviate the burden on the gm for door and lighting management, and allow them to focus on the narrative, and not spend so much time switching between layers to do something as mundane as opening a door.