Hey Fam! Starting Hoard of the Dragon Queen, then going into Rise of Tiamat after. Hopefully will then proceed through the next Storyline modules after that. Princes of Apocalypse, Ravenloft, etc. in order of the storylines. We have 4 players now. I believe we have: a sorcerer, cleric, wizard, and some kind of melee, probably a fighter. Looking for 2-3 more. New Players welcome. 3 of the players are new to 5E and Roll20. Looking for cool people to play with. No douchebags, no rules lawyers, etc. :) No turds that lick everything. 8-) Also, there is at least 1 female player, so no creepers please. ;) We're all in our 30s-40s, and have potty mouths, so I should mention will be "adult content." Session 0 is going to be tonight at 5:30 PST. Making characters, going over rules etc. etc. Going to be using a couple optional rules: Flanking, Hero Points and Healing Surges, because the fights tend to be pretty brutal in these modules. I may add more (like charging, disarm, etc.) at some further point, if everyone wants. No critical fumble charts. Characters are starting at 1st level and will be using Point Buy / Standard Array. All non-homebrew races / classes are open. Note: If using anything off dmsguild, or similar, please ask first, so I know what's up. Anywho, if any interest, please feel free to respond here or pm me. Again, games will be weekly, on Saturdays at 5:30 PST (6:30 mountain, 7:30 central, 8:30 est) Thanks!