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Protect Journals from Bracket Compression

A lot of my players aren't the best macro users out there, so I've provided a lot of in-game resources that write out some of the important ones that I want players to be able to read and pick apart. But every time one such handout is saved, all the text in [brackets] tries to link, and the brackets disappear. So when the players try to copypaste my macros, they get really weird half-solved math problems.
If you're just posting for them to read and observer (and not edit or copy/paste) you may want to concider making an image out of your text and presenting it as a handout they can refer to.
I'm posting them as templates, pretty much. I can't save them as macros because I want players to be able to go in and change them based on modal effects like 1-2 hands, Attack bonuses, damage bonuses, added effects, etc.

Edited 1392315906
You could make a dummy character sheet, add your example macros as Abilities to that sheet and give all your players control over it. They can then go in and edit and copy those macros from there I believe. (Best make a backup of that sheet with only you having access, in case of "accidents") Could also create a post on the Campaign Forum and post the macros there. @Devs: For things like this it would help if [ and ] stay like they are when they're inside a Code-Block. Those usually shouldn't be touched I think, but they are in the Handouts at least. :(
Sheet Author
+1. I ran into this issue creating spell cards for handouts. I really wanted to include an associated macro so the player could simply cut and paste it into his character journal as an ability. Alas.
Maybe just as Brackets are a cue to link Journal Entries, there could be a set of characters that you put around an ability macro to indicate that it stays the same.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
And this is why I don't like WYSIWY(HT)G editors. /grump

Edited 1392551745
I ran into this problem, but I solved it by using extra brackets. Of course, every time that I edited the handout afterwards, I'd have to individually re-add the extra brackets to each macro (since saving would make the first 'pair' of them disappear in the attempted linking as was noted). Eventually, I ended up just handling all the macros myself.