I'm trying to create a macro with a drop-down menu for players to select which attribute (in the WoD style) they want to include in an ability/skill roll. The attribute name and ability name should display when the sheet button is pushed, such as "Intelllitence + Alchemy"), then it should pull the appropriate attribute from the sheet and make the roll. At present, I can do so with the following: <button type='roll' value='&{template:default} {{name=?{Attribute|Strength, @{Strength}|Dexterity, @{Dexterity}|Stamina, @{Stamina}|Presence, @{Presence}|Manipulation, @{Manipulation}|Composure, @{Composure}|Intelligence, @{Intelligence}|Perception, @{Perception}|Resolve, @{Resolve}} + Alchemy}} {{Roll=[[(@{alchemy} + ?{Attribute} + ?{Bonus Dice|0} )d10>?{Difficulty|6} ]]}}' name='roll_Alchemy'></button> However, this displays the value of the attribute in the label, not the name, such as "4 + Alchemy," instead of "Intelligence + Alchemy." I can make the label display using the code below, but I cannot then pull the attribute, as the only value stored is the name, and the number is lost. (See below.) <button type='roll' value='&{template:default} {{name=?{Attribute|Strength|Dexterity|Stamina|Presence|Manipulation|Composure|Intelligence|Perception|Resolve} + Alchemy}} {{Roll=[[(@{alchemy} + @{( ?{Attribute} )} + ?{Bonus Dice|0} )d10>?{Difficulty|6} ]]}}' name='roll_Alchemy'></button> So, is there a way with only one macro query to store both the name and the value of an attribute, selected from an inline dropdown query by the player when they push the roll button? If anyone can help me with this, I'd be really grateful. Thanks!