Ok, first I found a bug in the menu generation, so if you click on a playlist activity it's bringing up tracks, so I'm working on that. To your questions 1) Master volume doesn't change existing tracks that are playing. It is a simple way to set the default volume for ALL playlists and tracks. If you want to adjust volume of the track while it is playing use the increase or decrease. You can do that at the playlist level and it will adjust the track that is playing or you can go down to the tracks and adjust it there. You can do the same for Tags. Increase/Decrease the volume and/or click on Tag 1 (or Tag 2, Tag 3, Tag 4) and view the tracks you've assigned to the Tag. 2) Whether looking at playlist tracks (click on playlist name and it shows assigned tracks) or ALL tracks (clicks on Tracks on main menu), you start clicking 1, 2, 3 or 4. Go back to main menu and click on Tags. You'll see Tag 1 through Tag 4. Click on one of the names (Tag 1 for example) and you'll see the tracks you just assigned. If you click the check mark for that track again, it will unassigned the track from that Tag. 3) Tag 1 through Tag 4 are grouping of tracks. For every track you have click 1 for, they will be in the Tag 1. Tag 1 allows you to set the mode (in order, random, together, shuffled, single track) so you can fire off the tracks in that Tag right there or click on the Tag 1 name and you'll see the tracks associated with it and you can manage individual tracks within that tag. There's two levels within this: Playlists/Tags which enable you to start a play list, choose a mode (keep clicking on Mode until you get the one you want) and manage your music there OR you can view tracks assigned to the playlist, tracks assigned to the Tag or ALL tracks and manage your music at the track level. Hover your mouse over everything. There's a lot of functionality on these panels.