With all your modules and compendiums, the NPC sheets need an upgrade. Specifically: - Spellcasting NPCs use CR to provide and display a proficiency + attribute bonus in the roll, as well as setting the DC Save value. Weapon attacks should have the same and they don't. Melee is still pretty basic where a single to hit number is set and damage is set and that's about it. The Melee attack should specify using STR or DEX for the attack and in combination with CR, auto-calcs the to hit and damage as well as display in the roll. This would also provide a good sanity/verification of accuracy for the roll. - Weapon Attacks should track the magic weapon modifier as a property, so shortsword +2 has a magic item property of +2 somewhere, which auto-calcs into the to hit and damage and in combination with the suggestion above changes for weapon attacks makes NPC generation or modification of existing NPCs in modules quite easy, whereas now it takes quite a bit of time.