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LFG :- Only war ( warhammer 40k)

Classes that are taken are up the top of the page and I'd probably wait for a reply here or a pm.
If you mean support classes then yes but ratling,commissar and psyker are taken but the others like storm troopers are ok. If that wasn't what you were meaning then I don't know what you mean, if so plz explain more.
Honestly I have know idea if their allowed you'll need to ask.
That's something you will have to talk to a GM about, if we ever get one Chris. we are playing the Current edition of Only war. Just need What class from those listed ( you can change when we get a Gm if he wants to take those things on) what Reg you would like to play, and Time zone, ruff days of the week you can do ect.
Reg? Timezone? days of the week?
The reg is just a vote for when a gm shows up, each guardsmen in the unit will all be the same, as it suggests in the rule book.
Well that can be your job then to contact him, if you are buddys.
Chris, if you get fuckin John Bain, i'll be fuckin amazed
Well if you don't, it's alright and we can look for someone else.
are you still looking for players for this game?
ofc mage. Pick a class that is left, a reg you want to vote for, and a time zone pretty please.
okay Im talking to John Baine, would you guys mind if he recorded the games and put them on his channel?

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No not at all. I am fine with that. As long as I get to execute at least one of you. Being commissar and all.... I have also Updated the top page with my personal skype if any one wants to contact me about anything.
A Commissar can execute anyone. generals and nobility I believe one requires more proof, but better to execute an innocent, then let a subject of chaos live!
Well In John, is Gming you will have to speak to him about that chris. And no, if the leader falters in combat or is suspect of heresy it is a commissars duty to execute. As I read the rules, I think I can only really execute Comrades, which gives the party buffs ect, but I guess there is nothing to stop me executing a player, if I was really roleplaying the crap outa my character( or I felt like being an arse) But If your Read the Book Iron Guard by Mark Clapham ( which features the Mordian Iron Guard) , there is a scene in there where the Regimental commissar executes the ranking sergeant and inspires the men to victory of a skirmish. Nothing damages moral like a officer who does not know what they are doing or is running, I think in the rule book of Only war there is anther example.
I was basing my assumption on the 40K one where you build armies (I play imperial guard only)
id recommend you guys keep looking while I talk to him, he is very busy often so games might be irregular
Well if he contacts me directly we can arrange something, speaking to others ,dnt you worry.
If he does GM, we Will all chat anyway :) but just like it to be official rather then a he said this and it turns into Chinese whispers .
Dunno what you lot are talkin about but Commissars can't execute players, but they CAN execute the player's NPC ally that we each get
That Is correct, But I have heard stories of dark heresy games, where some players have been corrupted, and the other players turning on them, and killing them. So if we take it from Purely a Role play point of view, if any of us wanted to, we could kill each other, but that would not really be a good thing in the other all scheme of things. And ofc you never want to Insult a Ratling snipers ;) Because accidents on the battle field happen all the time... *chuckles evily*
Hehehe to true ;)
Hi there. Chris T. told me that you might be looking for some more players and that I should post there, so here it is. I'm available to play pretty much whenever, time / day doesn't matter. I'd play Heavy Gunner or Storm Trooper, whichever you think is needed. As for the regiment, i'd go for cadian.
Hello, I'm currently working out my viability to gm this group after responding to an advert on the FFG forums. I'll post back if things work out on my end.
Thanks messiah. also a update for the rest of you guys, I have had word from anther gm, who may be able to help on weekends. I would like at some point this week, to get every one sat down in a google plus or Skype chat to talk over a few things. my Skype is listed above, so please add me , with a message stating you are from here. I will continue talks with any gm to find the best fit for the group and what's more realistic for prolonged play. please can all active players just give me a heads up if you are still interested. Thank you all for you patients. may the enemy's of the emperor fall before us, and the last sound as we die, is a battle cry of las and bolt gun fire! purge the heretics and destroy the xenos for the emperor light is the true path!

Edited 1392762560
Sheet Author
so guys, my preference here would be sundays, give or take 9am for me (GMT-5). I believe that translates somewhere around 2pm for you euro guys. Edit: Also, my skype is shawn.abreu1. I'm usually online throughout the day for banter and chatter. And nice seeing you on roll20 Nico! Edit again: I can do google hangout as well. Over there i can be reached at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Still interested. Still don't care about when the game plays, I'm available pretty much anytime.
I can do sundays