So I tried to access the dev server's character vault and I got a 520 error saying the dev server is not connecting to cloudflare.
So I tried to access the dev server's character vault and I got a 520 error saying the dev server is not connecting to cloudflare.
Hi Devlin,
Sorry for the trouble! I am seeing this behavior as well. I have submitted a ticket and we will be investigating further into what is going on to get a fix out as soon as we can :)
Just in case you are wondering. Its still not fixed. And I have hundreds of character sheets in that vault I cannot access or add to.
Thanks for your report on this issue. I'm following up as we investigate the issue: are you saying you have hundreds of character sheets in the vault on the dev server that are not reproduced on live?
Yes, there is no connection between the dev server's vault and the normal server's vault as far as I know.
The devs are having a hard time reproducing this issue. Are you still having the issue?
Also: I know this is a total kludge workaround, but if you have a game with the character in it, you could copy it over to production to export the character to the live character vault. With a lot of characters, that's not ideal, of course, and we'd like to solve your issue rather than have you using a workaround. But it's an option for now.
I just checked again. It is working and I can see their backgrounds now? And everything loaded up at once. Which is weird, normally it takes 5 to 10 minutes before the vault will load. Hmm maybe I just had so much stuff when you did your conversion to this new vault style, it just took a month for it to finish converting?