I'm trying to create a macro for a few skills that use my Rogue's Reliable Talent feature but the second roll in my simple template is just a regular D20 and not the roll I have specified to take the higher of 1d20 or 0d1+10. &{template:simple} {{rname=^{acrobatics-u}}} {{mod=@{acrobatics_bonus}}} {{r1=[[{d20cf<0, 0d1+10}kh1+@{acrobatics_bonus}@{pbd_safe}]]}} {{always=1}} {{r2=[[{d20cf<0, 0d1+10}kh1+@{acrobatics_bonus}@{pbd_safe}]]}} @{rtype}+@{acrobatics_bonus}@{pbd_safe}]]}} @{global_skill_mod} @{charname_output} This is what my macro looks like but it's not recognizing the r2 section and is just being ignored or over witten with a standard d20 plus modifier