Edit: I have updated the SimpleRoofControl script to provide a little customization. The Anchor token will now automatically get a GM-only aura, and the color of it as well as which aura is used can be customized. It will also make sure your roof is above any new tokens that were added when you put the roof back in place.
Background: I wanted to be able to avoid Fog of War and Dynamic Lighting in outdoor areas because my players thought it was unsettling and distracting. I admit it is overkill most of the time. However, I wanted to be able to obscure the interiors of my buildings until I wanted them to enter. The other roof scripts were too much automation for my taste - I didn't want my players running off into the building until I was ready. I was already familiar with the SimpleDoorControls script and knew needed something equally as simple.
The SimpleRoofControl script allows you to set a Roof and an Anchor for it. This Anchor is a token that acts as the "button" for the roof. (I use a transparent graphic but it could be a nearby prop token or anything else.) With the Anchor selected, you run the command to remove the roof (sending it to the Dynamic Lighting layer) to reveal your building interior, or to place it back over the building to "close" it to the players.
I've also added control of the Advanced Fog of War and Dynamic Lighting for the page so you can enable those features as you lift the roof and let your players inside. This script works really well with the SimpleDoorControls script in controlling access to your buildings!
I hope this comes in handy for someone else. Enjoy!