Hello! I had a question about using custom, non-token items in the turn tracker alongside macros. Based on what I have read, if I have a token selected I can use "@{tracker}" on a roll to add it to the turn tracker. I can even increment/decrement it with "@{tracker:+/-}" - all well and good. I can include such a phrase in a macro to autoadd things. Cool. I also know I can add custom things into the turn tracker. So if, for example, my character casts an Entangle spell with a duration of 20 rounds, I can create Entangle in the turn tracker (or at least the GM can), set it to a -1 round calculation, and track how much longer the Entangle spell lasts. I can even reference this value by using "@{tracker|Entangle}" or whatever I named it. Spiffy. What I'm curious about doing is uniting the two. Let's say I make frequent use of the Entangle spell and want a macro that casts it. Is there a way to have the macro add a custom item (rather than my token) to the turn tracker, give it an initial value, and a round counter value? Something like: /roll 20 @{tracker:create:-1|Entangle} or the like?