Need 1 for Jade Regent AP. Meets weekly on Fridays at 7pm EST.
Need a utilitarian DPS class. Group currently consists of Fighter, Ninja, Wizard, Cleric. PM me with interest and character concepts.
25-point buy with chance for higher stats on a 4d6d1 roll. Starting level 4th. All paizo classes are legal. Soulknife class is legal (dreamscarred press Psionics).
Just started Module 2 of the AP.
Need a utilitarian DPS class. Group currently consists of Fighter, Ninja, Wizard, Cleric. PM me with interest and character concepts.
25-point buy with chance for higher stats on a 4d6d1 roll. Starting level 4th. All paizo classes are legal. Soulknife class is legal (dreamscarred press Psionics).
Just started Module 2 of the AP.