Hello all! I'm using the ammo script to track spell slots. (Just labeling them as L1Spell, L2Spell, etc.) I've been able to change the ammunition values of specific players without needing their token/character to be selected just fine. However. I'm having some trouble setting up a "long rest" macro which would recover all of my players' spell slots in this system. The following line: !ammo -LJ0U2NCwfPBL09WgpQH L1Spell [[@{selected|L1Spell|max}-@{selected|L1Spell}]] kind of works. Its successfully runs, but only pulls the current and max of the selected token/character. I've tried changing the "@{selected" part to pull directly from the character in question, but I either get a syntax error or a "character not found" error. I know these character IDs are correct as I have used them in my example line, which technically operates successfully. Is there a more experienced macro user that could assist me with this? Additionally, I do have this line that almost works, but I get a "NaN" value error when it runs: !ammo -LJ0U2NCwfPBL09WgpQH L1Spell [[-LJ0U2NCwfPBL09WgpQH|L1Spell|max]-[-LJ0U2NCwfPBL09WgpQH|L1Spell]] L1Spell "(player) gains NaN L1Spell and has NaN remaining."