Dawn of Night/Sun Never Rises Lolth’s plan to take Mystra’s place as the goddess of magic has shaken the foundation of drow society. The duplicitous drow, hungry for power even in the most stable of times, are clambering over one another to gain status in what they anticipate will be Lolth’s new realm. Beneath the settlement of Dagger Falls, the deadly vanguard of an evil army crawls from the Underdark to threaten those who revere the light. In advance of a larger invasion of the Dalelands, a strike team serving drow House Jaelre has tunneled beneath the Temple of Lathander’s Light. Her Radiance Dareen Travaskyr, the sun elf priestess who leads this temple has been intent on creating a holy symbol of great power. In preparation for a war against the surface world, a drow priestess leads a strike team in a raid on a small temple dedicated to the sun god, Lathander. The treachery of the drow knows no bounds, however, even against one another... If interested follow this link on how to join the game!