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Fanburst tracks not working

Sheet Author
API Scripter
The track is indicated as playing but nothing actually plays, & the console throws the error " Cannot play media. No decoders for requested formats: [object Object]." I disabled all my extensions & nothing changes, though I was not having this problem with the same browser and active extensions on a different computer.
Hey, i had the same problem which come from fanburst... I uploaded quite a few tracks, and just one day a huge number of them don't work anymore.... This is an issue coming from fanburst and not Roll20 i guess... I sent an email to fanburst support but am still waiting for an answer...
I've had this problem too, a few songs seem to play just fine but other songs don't play at all. If I go directly to the song on the site it won't load. I'm assuming this means it's nothing on Roll20's end... 
I have been trying to get informations from the fanburst team, but i sent 3 mails and didn't get a single response at the moment... I am a bit pissed off... I have a few hundreds tracks on my account and i don't have time to check one by one and reupload each and every bugged track... Anyone got a response from their team ?
I'm having problems with this as well, I had a lot of tracks that worked last week that suddenly don't now. That's the error I get when trying to play the fanburst tracks through Roll20, and I'm also seeing error messages when trying to play them directly on fanburst as well. So I would guess this is a problem on there end, but I'm adding my info in here as well in case it helps.
Can confirm having the same problem - some tracks are playing and some are not.  The tracks that don't work aren't working on the fanburst site either.
Same problem. I started cleaning the broken ones. I wonder if it's worth maiking a music base if music can disappear...
I'm also having the same issue. Though here's an interesting addition. Last night when I was DMing my game, there were two songs that had this issue where all players couldn't hear it anymore, myself included. But there was *also* a few songs that only one player couldn't here; and that was my one player from out of country. All the problems were the same, and the US players could hear it, but my UK one couldn't. Hopefully we'll hear something from Fanburst soon!
I'm also experiencing the same issue. Some songs play, others don't
Half of the songs I'm using don't play. I also tried uploading some new songs but now there's processing issues :/ It's taking a million years to process songs. I don't even know if the fanburst support is active -- but it's like every other song won't play. It's definitely a fanburst issue -- since it has problems on their end too and none of the players can hear broken songs. I'd say things started breaking since last week -- for me, around Friday.
I'm also experiencing issues with songs that won't play, and attempts at re-uploading said songs simply stick them in permanent processing hell. I sent an e-mail to their support address but haven't received a response 3 days later. Feels like the website's simply been abandoned.
I had the same impression... I have a couple hundreds tracks (maybe more) uploaded on my fanburst, and 3/4 tracks are flac quality.... I don't want to redo all this work, neither checking them one by one to find the working ones and the bugged ones... i don't have time for this. I already send them 3 e-mail, the 07/31, the 08/02 and the 06/08. Still no response of any kind... Does Roll20 have made an announcement of any kind about fanburst ?
Hi everyone! We are certainly aware of this issue and are investigating. So I have a few questions for affected users: Do songs from other services such as Tabletop Audio still work? Could you provide a list of songs that do and do not work from Fanburst? (3 of each should be fine) From our guide to Solving Technical Issues , could everyone grab a console log  capturing the event of: 1 ) Playing a song that does not  work 2 ) Playing a song that does  work. Note: It might be worth while to capture a console log on the Fanburst site proper as well. Thank you in advance!
Ok, i have good news ! I noticed that every bugged tracks are now working fine... Seems to me like the problem is solved ^^
Same for me. Everything works again. I wonder what caused this / what was changed to make it work again...
I'm happy to report that everything works again for me. I suspect that the error came from fanburst itself, not roll20, as the site was experiencing similar bugs. Maybe something to do with the code? Who knows.
Ron Whiskey said: I'm happy to report that everything works again for me. I suspect that the error came from fanburst itself, not roll20, as the site was experiencing similar bugs. Maybe something to do with the code? Who knows. Hm, I tested some tracks and got this
Problem solved!
I've had regular problems with Fanburst ever since it was implemented. This latest fiasco simply made more tracks unable to function. Even though some of those now work, a large number still do not. It's entirely random which ones don't work, though sometimes they randomly decide to work again. A lot of the time they don't. I really wish I could just use my own webspace for hosting my roll20 assets.
^ This. Sometimes tracks work, sometimes they don't. The ones that didn't work last week work now, but ones that played fine last week now don't work. I've also tried emailing Fanburst, but gotten no response. It would be nice if someone from the dev team could try to see if they could get a hold of them about this issue, because it's becoming really, really annoying. It's definitely a problem with Fanburst, because when I go to their site the same tracks don't work.
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Check this post, try the VPN Chrome and see if your problems completely go away&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'm betting Fanburst made a change on their end that's causing Chrome to reject the tracks.&nbsp;&nbsp;
I'm testing the tracks on both Chrome, Maxthon and Pale Moon, on separate devices, with separate users from different countries, and many tracks are working for none of them. /edit Lmao, I tried that VPN thing when I had a moment and it makes it work in Chrome. Now that is messed up.
I posted in the Pro forum as well, half my tracks do not work and you never know which ones will or won't. Fanburst seems to be falling apart at the seams, Roll20 should start to look for a new audio API partner (or try to get on Soundcloud's good side again).&nbsp;
Yeah, Fanburst seemed like the perfect answer after Soundcloud kicked us out, especially since it lacked the arbitrary "copyright detection" feature of Soundcloud that wouldn't let you post random tracks. But lately it seems to be having more and more problems, and as far as I can tell no one's been able to actually get a hold of the site admins. Hopefully this gets resolved soon, or we may find ourselves once again without decent music (no offense to Kevin MacLeod, lol!)
Think I might have cracked it; after messing around with the console in Chrome and Firefox I tried disabling AVG, and after a refresh all my nonfunctional tracks started playing again. Added an exception for "http://**.mp3" going forward, but why AVG suddenly has beef with Fanburst escapes me. Anybody else with this problem also using AVG antivirus?
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
A better question is, who has had this issue who isn't using AVG, and that would be me.&nbsp; Whatever the issue was (and it has cleared up for me, I just checked), it wasn't an AVG issue for me.
I would never run something like AVG just because of issues like that. And, like I said, my sample size for this stuff is pretty huge so I've removed any chance of it being a specific piece of software. Our running theory is it's a CDN/caching issue of some kind but it's hard to know for sure. Mysteriously, as GenKitty stated, some of the old broken tracks have started working again. But, of course, this is far from my first rodeo, and I wholly expect them to just break again soon.
My tracks are all functional again. I tested them this morning and I'm hopping they are all good now&nbsp;