Since the last Ork invasion, the Steel Legion and the PDF of Armageddon have struggled with the Ork menace to remove them from their world. Even decades after, soldiers fight and die daily in a long war of attrition. You are one of those soldiers. Either recruited, cajoled, or forcefully conscripted you find yourself hauled to the front to cast these beasts from your homeworld and serve in the name of the God-Emperor and Armageddon. The soldiers of Armageddon are a varied lot. Some have been risen in a martial tradition created from the first invasion, dedicating themselves fully to professional soldiery. Others, gangers and criminals dragged from the dregs of the hives and beaten into shape by the Drill Sergeants. It matters not where they come from; for all are equal in the service of the Imperium. To serve the Emperor is to struggle daily and look death in the face often. Supplies always seem to be in demand, discipline is harsh, and either through incompetence or callousness, your superiors will order you to battles which you are not always expected to survive for plans you have no knowledge of. Death is constant and suffering is eternal. But from the greatest struggles do heroes emerge. For the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium. Intrigue : Low Combat : High Lethality : Medium-High Please note; the current players have selected to be part of an Armoured Regiment. Meaning that the party will be a tank crew, and some positions are more glamorous than others. The main weapon loader is going to be less directly involved than the driver or commander. We will be having a session zero this Sunday to sort out characters, crew positions, which variant of Leman Russ the crew will operate (currently the Annihilator is winning) and campaign expectations.