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Customizable Roll Listener Fumble Error

Hi Everyone, I'm trying to produce critical hit and fumble sounds using CRL and Roll20AM in my Pathfinder E1 game using the Community sheet. I got the critical hit sound working with no issues but the fumble refuses to work at all.  I'm using the following command to create the fumble CRL listener: !crl \\create,name=CritFail,template=pf_attack,text=##,roll=fumble \\!roll20AM --audio,play,nomenu|Critical Fail It gets created without issue but when a fumble is rolled I get the following API error: Any ideas on how to resolve this would be appreciated. Regards, Meldogs
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Sorry for the inconvenience Meldogs. It's a bug that I'm working on fixing.
Thanks for the quick reply Scott.  I'm a big fan of your scripts.