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Can't launch campaign; still down from the crash

Hi all. I thought I'd post this here in the Help forum, as I need it badly. Ever since the server issue last night, I've been unable to access my campaign. Even today, after things are supposed to be working fine, nothing's changed for me it would seem. Each time I try to launch the campaign, things just freeze on the black "loading" screen, giving me the "gathering steam" or "rolling d20" or some other message. I've tried refreshing the page many times, letting it sit for hours at a time today, etc. but nothing happened. I've tried firefox and chrome thus far, and it's the same thing every time. It's quite frustrating, as most folks seem to have been up and running for some time. I've tried creating new campaigns, and it's the same thing. I hope I can g et things working soon; I'm planning on running a game later this week with some friends, and this is a showstopper. Perhaps it's a basic issue on my end? Things were fine pre-server-crash, though.... Thanks!
Currently the servers are down, but they havn't been down all day, this was a recent thing as of about 10 minutes ago. 
Unfortunately there's an outage at the moment, but... another idea may be to attempt logging in from a different computer, if you have such access to one.  See if that helps, whether it's your computer or your account, whatnot.  Other than that, you may have to be patient until they deal with Firebase again tonight.
It should be coming back up right now. If you're trying to get in, just try to load in once -- mashing reload only makes it take longer :-)
Yay! Awesome, I seem to be back in now. Thanks Riley and company. :) The day is saved. 
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