One of the things I wish I could do without API or Coding a Sheet, which I think could be a simple snippet of code, is to be able to ask the GUI to 'list' inline die rolls in the chat. At the moment the dice parser assumes that "5d6" means "roll 5 d6s and add them together". What I would like is a simple flag, or similar that would change that to be "5d6 listed means roll 1d6 five times in a row and display each". The other thing would be to add ordering to them, like the existing list order technique. It would help with games where you're supposed to compare one pool of rolled dice to another pool of rolled dice. Suggestion: [[5d6l]] would give [3][4][2][2][6] in the chat [[5d6la]] would give [2][2][3][4][6] in the chat for sorting it ascending [[5d6ld]] would give [6][4][3][2][2] in the chat for sorting it descending