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My game just randomly greyed everything out and reverted everything to only existing in the "map and bg tab"

Anyone to make it usable again? or revert whatever changed it? I cant use my game like this.

Edited 1536105082
Change you visable layer from map to token. That's all that has happened. When you changed the maps layer it greys out all tokens to make it easy to work with the visible layer.

Edited 1536105901
when i go to token all my tokens are no longer there. that is not what has happened, you woulda read the title of the thread it says, it reverted everything to being only existing in the first tab
Can you post a picture of the token layer?  The capture above is of the map layer.  I can tell because on the little menu on the upper left side, the second graphic is the map pin.   It is possible you have fog of war enabled, which makes everything grey, but does not cause tokens to disappear.
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I even added fog of war to the very edge of the map to show the difference in the level of grey each is, the fog of war is much darker than the grey that they client has blanketed my game with.
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Do you perhaps have a token with a very, very large gray or black aura? Does this persist across maps in the campaign, or only that page?
no to the large token , and this is the first map of the campaign im creating so i cant really answer as to whether it persists in further maps
the problem is the actual map itself is somehow duplicating and overlapping all the tokens, so the map is being counted as a token of somesorts and whenever i am editing stuff it is being replicated on top and overlapped all my other tokens
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It really does sound like this is simply a matter of things being on the wrong layer. If you'd like to shoot me an invite and promote me to GM, I'll see if I can sort it out.

Edited 1536219308
I'm having a possibly related issue, except my *entire screen* flashes black, then I am getting some giant-sized semi-opaque version of the map overlaid over everything and the scales are all thrown off.&nbsp; I also end up with a second oversize grid on top of everything, and selection cursor is off.&nbsp; I cannot move or manipulate tokens because the cursor is off.&nbsp; &nbsp; Cannot change layers either.&nbsp; Only way to fix it is to log out and re-log.&nbsp; Then it does it again in another minute or so.&nbsp; This started with the recent chrome update.&nbsp; Including a Before and After picture, along with a view of the mis-aligned selection.&nbsp; If I try going to another map and back, it will do it again in a minute, and the scale will get more and more zoomed in, until there is nothing more on the screen.&nbsp; It's like the map field shrinks each time (started with a 50x25 hex map). This error only occurs once unless I switch maps.&nbsp; Once it screws up, it stays in the screwed up state unless I switch maps.&nbsp; Whatever map I switch to will already be screwed up, and will do the black screen thing once, screw up a little more, then stay in that state unless I log out and log back in. Before After Here I zoom out and scroll over, and you can see the second translucent "map" that can't be selected or moved.&nbsp; Notice the "ghostly" large pink bed in the lower right. On this one, you can see where the selection box is being drawn.&nbsp; The cursor doesn't show because I used printscreen, but I have drawn a red circle where it was at the point I was drawing that selection box.
Victor B.
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The second grid (those white hexes) are because you have enable grid on which overlays the map.&nbsp; That's by design.&nbsp; If you don't want the white hex outline, turn enable grid off.&nbsp; The translucent map is most likely at the map layer and why you can't manipulate it.&nbsp; Map layer is designed to be visible but not selected while you are on the token layer.&nbsp; This is so you don't accidentally select the map instead of a token and move your map, possibly screwing up the dynamic lighting.&nbsp; I have no idea what's going on with your red circle or your selection box.&nbsp; Have you invited Keith yet and promoted him to GM?&nbsp; That's the easiest way to resolve this.&nbsp;&nbsp;
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Jerod and Jordan are two different posters. Jerod, that looks odd. However, it looks like a different problem from Jordan's. Please post that in its own thread after you have followed these steps, and if you still have a problem we'll have a mod get a dev in to take a look. (I can't post here as a moderator, but I can there). Could you please carefully work through the first three steps of our guide to&nbsp; Solving Technical Issues ? Step 1: Make sure to use the right browser Please check if these issues persist when using both Chrome&nbsp;and&nbsp;Firefox. Step 2: Ensure that there are no extensions/addons interfering with Roll20 Please disable&nbsp;all&nbsp;add-ons/extensions&nbsp;and&nbsp;anti-virus programs. Step 3: Clear your cache If none of the above succeeds, please thoroughly work through&nbsp; Step 4 .&nbsp;(Don't forget the complete Console Log!)
Everything is on the right layer, Victor.&nbsp; As for the second grid; look at the screenshots bro. @keithcurtis; I loaded up in Firefox, and it is working fine.&nbsp; Problem is only happening in Chrome; so I guess I'll carry on in Firefox for now.
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Good to know Jerod. Please feel free to follow the steps outlined above (in a new thread) if you have any more problems. Jordan? How's your situation?