The town of Kudoku is in despair. Its magistrate (called a daikan in Kara-Tur) recently challenged the power of a group of assassins known as the Five Deadly Shadows, but died in the attempt. The Shadows represent the corruption of the virtues of Bushido, a code of conduct used by samurai warriors in feudal Japan. The seven virtues are used in this adventure to represent the principles that guide Kara-Tur society...Honor, Courtesy, Benevolence, Honesty, Courage, Rectitude and Duty. Each event focuses on one virtue, allowing the players and their characters to gain an understanding of these societal principles. By mastering the seven virtues, the characters can more easily defeat the Five Deadly Shadows. Will you be able save the town from despair? Will you join the group that defeats the Five Deadly Shadows? If interested follow this link for information!