Hello everyone :) I created this new post as a continuation to an older, already closed, post . As a quick summary of the topic at hand: auto-calculated values in character sheets will not appear under the attributes in a character sheet (in the tab "attributes and abilities"). a few example consequences: 1) they cannot be used for setting token bars; 2) they cannot update already existing attributes that are found under the attributes list. The main problem is that this creates two separate groups, one of auto calculated fields and their respective limited attributes; the other is the group of attributes handled by sheet scripts. The interaction abilities are quite limited, and worse of all one-way only. I might use attributes update by scripts and take them to the autocalc fields - but not the other way around. EDIT: and this can be a big problem when you consider that autocalc values are updated by API created events. the sheet scripts cannot use this as a trigger. I wanted to know the following: am I understanding these limitations correctly? Or is there any way to implement a more continuos behaviour between autoupdate values and sheet script handled values? Hope this post is understandable to some, I know I went full technical and I feel like describing these topics is tricky.