So, I'm playing a ranger who has an animal companion. The ranger and animal companion roll separate initiative and have distinct attacks. I've been trying to find a way to create a macro that changes who I'm speaking as for the duration of the macro. Typically, I have my chat to speak as my Ranger character, but I want it so that when I roll my companion's initiative/saves/ability checks/attacks, it'll do so while speaking as said companion - this will make chat easier to decipher who's rolling what (especially at the beginning of combat when everyone is rolling initiative; it can be difficult to tell which init roll belongs to the ranger and which to the pet). I can see in the wiki documentation that GMs have the option to use /as "character name" <stuff they want to say> but this doesn't seem to work for players. Is there something I can put in my macro to change who I'm speaking as, so that my pets rolls will be rolled as them and not as my ranger?