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5e Shaped 19.1.3 Casting at higher spell levels issue

so i've been digging through the forums and google for the last hour but i cannot find an answer. I'm using the shaped 5e character sheet and trying to get a spell to query for higher spell levels. i have the "automatic higher level queries" option ticked in the settings, but it will not actually query. i see nothing when editing the spell info alongside damage and so on. what am i missing here?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You must have slots of a higher level. Or you can turn off a feature that automatically calculates which slot levels are available.
So i'm adding some pictures showing what i have. I will preface this with it is a custom class and custom spells, although i dont think that should be an issue. first picture shows the spell info, everything i put in to make it run normally. second picture shows an overview of the "spell book" showing i do have the higher level slots to work with. third picture shows the setting tab with the "automatic higher level queries" option ticked. i clock on the force weapon option out of edit mode, and it posts the spell fine, i just dont get the option to cast it at a higher level.
just don't know what i'm doing wrong

Edited 1538320612
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I'm not sure from what I can see what the effect of higher level casting is supposed to be, but your damage has no value in the "per level" field.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Keith is correct - you need a value before the "d6" to get it to output higher level damage. If there is something else working please be specific. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at on those screenshots.
ok, so that did work. i was getting thrown off by the fact that its an open text field not a numbers only or a selector. appearantly you can type in pretty much anything in there and it will work. thanks!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It will be a select if you have higher level slots to choose from or if you turn off that feature that generates what high level options there are.