I've got an API script that will convert circles on the Dynamic Lighting layer into many sided polygonal approximations for you: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/5582304/script-snippet-dlcircle-clean-up-circles-on-the-dynamic-lighting-layer-so-they-look-right-and-work-right" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/5582304/script-snippet-dlcircle-clean-up-circles-on-the-dynamic-lighting-layer-so-they-look-right-and-work-right</a> That said, I'd take another approach. If the creature is the center of the darkness, I would just create a Rollable Table Token with one face as a large black disk. It will look like darkness to the players, but you can use its sight to see about. If the creature is simply inside the darkness, I'd create the darkness as a big black disk and put the creature on the GM Layer (and use Bump to have access to it on the token layer) If you need to see what is behind the darkness, you could either use a partially transparent disk, or you could screenshot the part of the map under the darkness and paste it on the GM layer so that it is transparent.