Anna, I had a similar issue with the starfinder sheet and macros in the attacher field. For me, sometimes they would activate, and sometimes not. It was especially noticeable when I was testing the formulas as a player. Sometimes then they would not play, but as soon as I reloaded the page, all the fx would play simultaneously. I also had problems where the sound would play, and then I would test a different attack and both fx would play, and on, and on, until I had a whole firefight from one attack.
I solved that by putting a delayed stop command on the fx. give it about 3-5 seconds, depending on the duration of your fx. That solved it for me, and I haven't had any trouble with it since then. Thanks to Victor for working on this so much. My players really like the sound cues from their attacks.
example of one of my attack formulas:
!roll20AM --audio,nomenu,play|sonicblast
!roll20AM --audio,nomenu,delay:2,stop|sonicblast
I was also going to say something about first line vs second of attacher field, but I see Scott beat me to it. As the sheet author, I suppose he is entitled to that. ;)