So I'm just barely getting Into API. Finally have abit of free time and diving into it and i'm really liking it. 1) One of the things i've searched for and I personally am missing an answer for about GroupInitiative API and how to create a macro that'll Add all selected objects to the turn order but use "SPEED_Stat" Instead of rolling the random d20. See I GM PTU (pokemon Tabletop United) And instead of a D20 for initiative we use the speed stat. This is what I have thus far for just Single initiative /em @{selected|token_name} [[@{selected|SPEED_Total}&{tracker}]] (which is very useful) but I'm trying to figure out how to combo this into GroupIntiative. using: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Which just uses !group-init I'm sure it's fairly simple i'm just not getting it. ><; 2) My other question is if there's a scrip out there that does a custom Item storage or tracker etc. I haven't really seen anything. PTU sheets have an item storage that is fairly.. Well no one in my group likes it so we're just using handouts to keep track of items. which is fine but not ideal compared to something you can just tap into and press enter etc. Suggestions would be great ^^