I have been on the bench for a few years because of life events but now because of my new situation I have plenty of time to start to be a GM again. I have played recently for a while and I am even a GM of a 4E game in which I run a module.. I have even picked up Pathfinder again and working on running a few modules for it but at some time I want to do my own thing and I like running some worlds Forgotten Reams being one of them. I worry because it's been a while and despite my refreshing and prepping that I will do something or get some thing wrong or that I will run something the wrong way. I really do want to move away from modules and run my own adventures and campaigns I'm just afraid of not just the occasional mess up but to do a complete screw job. I'd like to make a good impression and create a fun game for my players I just don't want to let them or myself down with my hard work making and running a game. Well having I am having a little GM anxiety I could use some tips, opinions, advice or incite to help me some.