Can someone help me write a macro I have an attribute for each saving throwing in my game. I need a macro that goes in an looks at the attribute that will be STRSAVE, CONSAVE etc then rolls a d20 and displays how much the save was made or failed by as such: /emas @{selected|token_name} rolls STRSAVE The macro needs to roll a D20 comparing it to the attribute STRSAVE and then say Conan made or failed the save by "X" whatever the amount. So a low roll on the D20 is good and a high is bad. Id like this [[1d20+?{Save penalty|0}]] on STRSAVE so that it allows the entrance of a penalty or a positive number ... but they are revered as a positive number would increase the amount making the save worse as low #'s are what you want under the STRSAVE attribute. Summary D20 roll compared to Attribute that has the save number from the front character sheet. The roll will be higher or lower than the save attribute after the modifier and then display "Made the save by 0 or more or failed the save by 1 or more" Thanks for any help in advance someone could give Ara