"This is, please pardon the pun, getting out of hand." Quoth Lucius. He sits right down on the table. JC wanders in, nonplussed. "Have the police come around the back."
Summer fills the hole with a hologram. Alycia is skeptical, but fascinated.
"Hi, I'm Adam." Shakes hand.
Lucius waits for everyone to sit down. Alycia leans against the wall.
Lucius -- "Rude of me to begin, since I have guests who wanted to talk with me. Set aside what just happened, what brought us to our doorstep."
Charlotte - Talk more about the activities about rifts, and Magus Everard.
Lucius - The Wounds. Word that there's been a lot of actiity eliminating those.
C - Most taken care of [on the East Coast], but looking at cost int erms of spirit -- more efficient way? Also, several other things intersecting with this work.
L - Can offer insight. And the rest came along for ...
Al - Coffee
Ad - Helping?
L - Knights are concerned with Order. Efforts pursuant to that, in our interest to stand aside or help, as my protege is able to do so. Though it's been mostly you.
C - Addressing these from the other side, drawing on other spiritual resources.
L - Prvious tries, was draining, and impact on nearby spirits.
C - Still a concern. Urgent and significant. Not an option to have Armiger come in. After that, a lot of grounding myself.
L - Preserving order. Not fascism, the order that makes people safe. Preserves the "Real World".
L - The activity at the cemetery yesterday, conjuntion with what the knights have detected, and we sent William [Armiger] north to investigate other loci, and I was asked simply to drive by the cemetery, look at things. What was done was necessary; how it was done was ... impactful.
[Somebody always has to bomb the conversation pit.]
L - Something felt off. Went looking for that, a connection between this world and the other, beyond what you'd done. [Indicates Adam through body language] Connection from the other side seems to be ... but eventhat seemed to have tkaen care of itself, but *this* we just took care of didn't have anything to do with the cemetery. Seemed a simpler creature -- but was able to determine that it was not of the same supernatural ilk. Some kind of echo. A copy -- not a good copy. ... an unintelligent replication of that creature that your group fought. ... Something is amiss in the city in that regard, not related to the Wounds, just bothersome. WEnt looking and found THAT thing.
C - Relationship to Everard and Dr Infinity
L - Possible - have faced / dealth with Dr Infinity in the past. But more something that would raise their ire.
Al - Vyortovian. Or Sepiaverse
L - How do you know.
Al - Hypergenius
L - Concerned ...
L - The equivalent of a bad storm when two fronts intersect. Well themed -- fighting something you fought recently, but at the core harkening to to something you fought in the past. Something inspired by your activities.
Al - A metaphysical antibody to the Menagerie.
L - Maybe. Have you been enaging in any activity that would fundamentally alter the normal reality.
A - rolls eyes.
Ad - Went to the future.
C - You've see more weird stuff than us.
L - (Nods) Have you [suggest sort of standard comic book tropes of reality altering] altered reality to prevent or undo the death of a loved one. Altered the mindset of a group or small group, perhaps to make an object of affection love you and return.
S - Broke HHL's mind control
L - N, changing the actual fabric of spacetime.
C - Dr Infinity and Everard.
Al - Some mass change of reality, affecting memory, changing probabilities ...
... replicate coin flipping, then about Adam a member of Concordance ...
... alternating raised eyebrows for Alycia, then Adam ...
... coin lands on its edge, spinning ...
... _Rosenkranz and Guildenstern Are Dead_ was always pretentious, but had a point ...
... coin is spinning faster ...
Problem? Anomoly. No, problem.
L - This is only the beginning. This will snowball. What is going on? ARE you a member of the Concordance?
Ad - No.
S - Checks her phone for her journals to see if they refer to "Concord". She remembers writing "Concord teleported th Phoenix into space." But the journal says, "Adam the Phoenix into space." And kind of remember writing it that way, too.
Physical world meddled with. Mental much more likely to have both realities.
S - holds phone up. Not just a problem with the world, this is personal to me, came from a machine that fabricates memories, and times when that has affected us, have anxiety about having my memoy changed ... supportive of finding out out who did this, sir.
Ad - [Powerful Blow - 7!] Adam going from defensive teenager to "Whoa, I fucked up" expression.
L - To be fair, within my oath to protect reality ... I don't believe this was intentionally an alteration of memory, just an alteration of reality that had memory match it.
Ad - (teen-ager) Hey, you don't get to throw around blame here. We didn't come here to be told we're causing problems, we came to solve problems. (Rejecting influence, half-assed) [Roll to reject influence - 5!] [Guilty.]
Lucius looks like he's running his mouth.
Alycia's eyes are burning.
Summer - Maybe not your fault - you can be at the center of the storm without causing it.
Al - But if it is your fault, I'm really pissed. (Provoke)
S - shoots her a you're-not-helping look.
C - (Have the memories, but clearly something is going on.) (But relieved that, whatever is going on, it's not her fault in this case.)
L - It's understandable to make a choice you feel guilty about later. But with great power comes great responsibility. If you don't think before you act, you will be a danger blah blah blah blah. [+Superior, -Danger]
... [S C&S 10!] [-Guilty on S] Ad - Glance over shoulder, door closed, blue flame descends around the room -- looks at all all of them (just a brief/brave glance at Alycia) to Summer. "I screwed everyhing up, really bad, but didn't mean to, but wanted everything to work for just one minute."
L - (has managed to pull back from the conversation)
S - Do you want to tell us what happened?
Ad - ...
Two weeks ago ...
The street in front of Adam's house ... on the sidewalk, as Adam ... the wind is whipping up, the sky is late February gray, and hanging in the sky are the three Concordance agents, glaring in disapproving judgment.
... (leans forward) So they came to talk, but more demanding. They showed up, basically, it's time for you to answer for this stuff.
Door to the house opens and closes. Both parents.
Previous conversation: Dad sitting him down, son, we've been seeing these guys everywhere, what's going on? Adam - with the Concordance, screwed up stuff, here to -- Parents - need to keep this stuff separate, we love you BUT ...
Parents coming out, what's going on, why is this here ...
Then Jordan's school bus is coming down the street, back from school.
MOMENT OF TRUTH - Mind's eye opens, see the world like ever before, controlling it with ease, but in this moment of Godhood, how can you go wrong?
He fixes it.
Okay, Keynome, want to be open, let's fix that.
Everyone around the table is seeing, feeling this (via the Keynome)
C - Seat of Bors the Chaste ... none may lie to thse who do not lie to themselves. Pierce the Mask.
Al - I understand why you needed to protect your family, but you need to put things back. [Provoke - 7! ... Ad [Reject Influence -> 2!] [Insecure. +Freak, -Danger] [Provoke! If not, mark a condition -> ]
Al - I will not have someone changing my reality or my mind.
Ad - looks down sullenly.
S - (goes over) If I had a machine or magic spell that would make me flesh and blood, I don't know what I would do ... but I know whatever you will do will be the right thing. // Knighthood - Vuln move - give advice // He was never going to knowingly hurt any of you.
Adam knows it hurt Summer ... her advice, remember the heroic self, act accordingly, so decide what that means. Summer has influence.
Time to go with what Alycia wants to do.
Time to burn. Looks at Alycia. "FINE."
Seat of Si Kay -- the next time you burn, take potential, take a powerful blow.
Ad - [Burn - 10!] [Powerful Blow! - 9!] [Angry, Afraid] ["in a world he ever made"]
Ad - Goes up in a cosmic bonfire, building up power. Flares ut there.
C - This doesn't change the situation that caused this issue. Understand how it goes when
L - For each of you, a lesson to be reminded of, remember what the larger issue is that needs to be addressed. Charlotte, you have your wounds, but what is the greater issue?
L - If there's any way (Adam!) I can help, feel free to consult with me.
Miss Chin -- leading from the front is necessary, don't forget the time about the apfires.
Ms Newman you are a charming addition to the group, lucky to meet you. While you are taking care of someone else, make sure you are cared fror.
Ms Charlotte, thanks for trusting me. If I may, some small token [box from shelf] [war medal] A symbol of authority, assert your will for those who need to recognize your role, and a reminder to those who have entrusted your ability to command.
C - [Don't want to be the general!]
Adam fixes the world. Maybe.
- Alycia - Image of Self - +Danger, -Mundane
- Summer - Closer to Team (Adam) -> +Superior, -Danger
- Charlotte - Closer to Team (Adam) -> +Savior, -Superior [Savior locked]
- Adam - Image of Self - +Superior, -Danger