Hello all,
I have a question on character sheet design. I have been slowly teaching myself HTML and what I can of CSS. I have a character sheet for my system that I have designed that is basic but is working combining the HTML and character sheet Macros. What I need to do now is have a way of making monster SRD's. This is done on the 5e character sheets I have seen and used in 5e. I have seen a bit of code to make the button to switch to the NPC sheet in the forums but that does not show how to set up the blank area the sheet switches over to. Once I can get the button and area functional to switch over to a blank NPC sheet I can again work through the code. My character sheet is done in HTML as I have not learned the CSS so I am not sure I can do this or have a mixed sheet of HTML and CSS.
Thank you in advance for any direction given,