I'm editing the Genesys character sheet to tailor it to my game. I want to have a checkbox next to the skills that will reference an attribute. When that checkbox is on, it will add the attribute number of Boost Dice to the roll. I've added the checkbox, and created an attribute for the calculation. <input name='attr_karma' type="number" max="7" min="1" value="1" /> <td><input name='attr_karmaskillAlchemy' type="checkbox" value="1"> <input type='hidden' name='attr_kAlchemy' value='(@{karmaskillAlchemy}*@{karma})' /></td> Now I think I need to put @{kAlchemy} somewhere in the roll function. <td><button type='roll' name='roll_Alchemy' value='!eed characterID(@{character_id}) label(skill:Alchemy) @{diceAlchemy} skill(@{rankAlchemy}|@{intellect}|Alchemy) @{dicePool} (gmdice)'></button></td> Thanks in advance