"All right. So. Friends-slash-housemates share information about likes and dislikes. I've -- been doing reading on the subject, since -- well, my own personal experience in the matter hasn't been exactly normal." My left eyebrow rises. "Not that the current experience is 'normal,' but it has the trappings of normalcy about it, and that's ..." She pauses a moment, looking for the word. "... nice." She gestures to the TV. A large bowl of popcorn is on the coffee table, in front of Summer, hopefully enough for the two of them. "So, TV Night. Right? I mean, most television is such a wasteland that it makes the cliche that it's a wasteland almost an understatement. But I have found a couple of palatable offerings, and I want to ... um ... share." A flicker of something crosses her face, gone in a flash. (Leslie is somewhat retro in her media subscriptions, still using the local cable. To Alycia's question about it, she said, "Give it another couple of years for the streaming / set-top market to shake out. Cable works, and I get a good discount -- I do some work on their branded race car.") The screen is DVR-frozen on the crudely animated show intro intro. "Okay," Alycia goes on with obvious enthusiasm, "so the goal of this competition show is to forge weapons within a time limit and using the equipment provided, then have those weapons succeed at various tests. On one level, it's kind of stupid -- why hand-forge something when you can actually buy what you need commercially, or even hire someone to manufacture it for you. I mean, you don't see a show where people are constructing electron microscopes for a prize. But, on the other hand, there's something very real and visceral about the challenges, for all the showmanship, and there's none of the soap opera melodrama of some other so-called 'reality' shows." She makes a face. "And, well, um, weapons. So ... any questions before I hit play?" #Cutscene #RP