Deep in the heart of Bertrund, Dwarves have lived in harmony mining and trading with the nearby countries. After a long and prosperous decade of peace under a non-aggression pact with the three nations in the north, Bertrund and their allies have thrived both economically and technologically. Despite a large earthquake that destroyed the tunnels connecting Bertrund and the other Dwarven country in the south, Rijlund, the two brother countries are working on reconnecting those tunnels and find out what happened with them. As players, you will be starting in a small town in Bertrund, enjoying the rolling countryside hills whether you are villagers, or travelers. The non-aggression pact came to a close a few months ago, and the two alliances are feeling tension against one another. Soldiers from both sides are coming up dead, and some of the local mines are going dark, men found dead outside without survivors. As you head into the campaign, expect to be dealing with local events around Bertrund. The country itself is small, compared to its neighbors, but has a population of roughly 2 million. I do not expect you to wish to stay in one town for too long as this is a sandbox setting, but keep in mind, this is a world made in proportion to Earth. This campaign is part of a living world setting and as such you have the opportunity to leave a lasting mark on the world and interact with other parties.&nbsp; So far, the party has set up a few merchant routes in the Kingdom of Bertrund, transporting goods, buying low and selling high, as well as killing monsters and collecting bounties. Only two sessions have been played, and players have started at level 1. Party Composition is as follows: Gnome Investigator, Kobold Alchemist, Human Fighter, Kenku Fighter. Please refer the roll20 Listing to apply, and to get the link to our Living World Website. We play at 4pm PST every other Saturday, and usually run for 4-5 hours, possibly more if something big is going on and the players don't mind. If you have any further Questions, send me a message, and I'll be happy to answer them. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>